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Asia bound

As we are coming to an end of an other year, I´m taking out travelling again. This time I will visit Philippines and Sri Lanka. It will be lovely to leave the thick wetsuit behind and just bring boardshorts. Throughout the year I have had the pleasure to meet and talk with so many great people in the community. Connection different people in the community while they are out travelling. I love that people are stepping up and helping each other out with local tips and even go surfing together. Sharing the waves and the beautiful surrounding.

The podcast have featured some amazing people and there are still some episodes that was recorded during summer that hopefully will air soon. I have taken time off my regular job and will be focusing on producing content now. That being said, if you know anyone or are interested to have a chat on the podcast or let me write your story or even just surf together, let me know. I love connecting to people in the community around the world.

Role models and community

Growing up I never really saw anyone that looked like me in media, or for that matter the diversity for gay people. Sadly my impression...

First of Many, Hopefully

Before I say anything, I need to say thank you to everyone that has been fighting for the right to be fully ourselves. It´s their fight that


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